The Representative Payee solution was developed for a Minnesota based Representative Payee company. During the initial meeting, it was clear that this company would benefit from an automated system. Processing for hundreds of clients and rapidly growing, the office space was filled with paper files and the staff was focused every day on getting the work completed. The manager was working overtime on a regular basis. The accounting software being used was becoming cumbersome to use. Although it was good at recording, the accounting software was not as good at predicting needs or managing the operation for so many clients. So 027D was engaged to create a solution. The result was the automated solution described below.
This comprehensive solution addresses every aspect of a Representative Payee business. This solution strives to become a "lights out" operation which means staff time can be greatly reduced through automation. It streamlines the cost of the operations by eliminating the need for much of the IT costs, paper and ink costs, and office expenses. It eliminates the needs for any other support software typically purchased by Representative Payees. It provides automated communication with clients, guardians, vendors, and government agencies to greatly reduce customer service. It reduces staff stress by accurately tracking information and automatically guiding the daily and reporting tasks.
All of these features combine enabling the Representative Payee operation to pursue the most important aspect of their business, "understanding and caring for their clients."